Some amazing ways to beat exam stress
· Listen to calm classical music. ...
· Take a walk in nature....
· Organize your study habits. ...
· Play with bubble wrap or with puppies. ...
· Try to get enough hours of sleep. ...
· Eat dark chocolate.
Remember to:
· Write and stick to a revision timetable
· Take regular breaks
· Drink plenty of water
· Eat healthy food
· Get plenty of sleep
· Take time out
Student Health
Studying during Covid-19
It’s a strange time to be studying, but for those of you heading towards exams in July, it’s more important than ever to keep a weather eye on your mental health.
Stay in touch - keep in contact with your family and friends, you can still connect from a distance - call your friend, have a video-call catch up with your family or check in with someone on social media.
Continue the things you enjoy - try reading that book you’ve been meaning to start, watch that new series or try a new skill.
Get into a daily routine - you might find it helpful to plan out your time in advance and know what you are doing each day, so you have something to look forward to.
Look after your personal environment - create a space that you are able to enjoy and feel comfortable in.
Take a break from social media if you need to - if the updates are getting too much it is okay to take a step back.
Check in with your fellow students via the subject forums on the Online Academy - this will help you talk about any questions you have, where you can go for support and subject specific updates.
Some great articles we found on the web which we hope you will find helpful.
Using the Pomodoro technique (a video)
And, of course, the amazing Open University (advice that isn’t just Covid-19 specific!)
Managing the pressures of exams
Some of the ideas we have shown below can help you if you have registered to take exams with the Institute. We’ve included tips about thinking ahead, planning things in small, achievable steps and using your study time to the maximum benefit of your study.
We give some (hopefully) helpful advice below.
Lots of students find the studying for and taking of exams stressful causing anxiety which then may cause them to feel they are less capable or able to do the work in time and not revise sufficiently in order to pass the exams, it is most important to:
· Make a realistic revision timetable that includes everything, including all parts of the syllabus and additional suggested reading, find boring or struggle with. Focus on this timetable, try not to deviate, put in the hours you feel you require to be successful on the day of the exam
· Cover the full syllabus, take past papers published on our website and read through the examiner reports for hints and advice on answering specific types of questions, draw ship diagrams – using a ruler! and practice shipping routes
· Start working through this timetable well ahead of the exams... not leaving things to the last minute is really important
· Work out when is the best time to revise – are you a ‘morning person’ or do you work better later in the day?
· Plan breaks, regular meals and times to meet up with, or talk to, friends and your family... it’s important not to get isolated alone with your books or study notes...
· Know when and where the exam will be and make sure that you arrive in plenty of time. This will mean you arrive relaxed and unstressed with time to settle in and gather your thoughts before the start of the examination
Creating the optimum learning environment
It may be a library, a noisy family room, isolation in a bedroom, with music, without music, a coffee shop perhaps. It is important to be comfortable and able to concentrate and this is different for everyone. Wearing comfortable clothes is a must, having plenty of water and some healthy snacks to hand is essential. Put your mobile phone away for the duration of any revision session, it is all too easy to be distracted by an incoming message.
Everyone revises differently: find the method that works for you.
As a reminded these can include:
· Reading/writing
· Making diagrams; eg colour coded spider
· Write the revision notes in different formats; newspaper article, letter, put up colourful sticky notes doted around your living space, etc
· Recording prime points and listening to them with headphones throughout the day
· Getting someone to ask you questions